
16 Nisan 2012 Pazartesi

                                                                     JANE EYRE
Jane ‘s mother and father died one day to Jane is small.Than Jane started live with Gateshat uncle and Eliza,Jarjine names cousine.Her uncle behave very bad.Jane’s day very bad.Only  Bessie behave very good,with Jane.Bessie have got good heart.Her uncle send one school to Jane in Lowoot.Jane went four years this  school.First time Jane don’t speak nobody.Because she is very shy.After meet one girl and Jane like this girl.However, Jane’s friend died this reason:contagious ill.Jane be teacher this school for 2 years.After that Jane find new job.Jane be Adale’s teacher in Thornifield’s house.Jane meet Mr. Rohester this house.Jane love Mr. Rohester.But, Mr.Rohester married.Mr Rohester’s wife is mad.Mr. Rohester’s live in roof.But Jane don’t know.Mr. Rohester and Jane decide to marry.One day Mr.Rohester’s brother says this state to Jane so Jane go far city.Jane go about street to three days and she go one house.Her cousins live in this house.Jane teach this unit than.Jane have got one aunt and her aunt very reach.Her aunt died and all wealth be left to Jane,but Jane don’t teach.One day Jane’s cousin submit for marry to Jane,but Jane do not want.Jane listen to herself and go with see Mr. Rohester.When she come she does not fine Mr.Rohester’s house.Mr.Rohester’s house fire and he be blind.But she married to Mr. Rohester.

Book Review

                                                  The Frog Prince
One day seven sister play with gold ball.The small sister throw the air but ball put the river.Girl,who is go and bring the ball,see one  frog.The frog said to princess:’I bring your ball but bring meal and share your bed.’Princess said:’Okey’ than frog dive into river and come the ball.King and his family  hear:’vrak’.Everyone be curious about this sound.Princess go and  open the door and the frog enter the palace.The frog and princess go the her room.The frog started to explain:One magician make me sorcery and than I be frog but if one princess kiss me I will be prince.Princess kiss the frog and the frog be prince.Prince and princess marry and they be very happy.

9 Nisan 2012 Pazartesi


                                                         The Effects of Graduate From University
A lot of students study for go to university so they are enter YGS and LYS.Graduate from university was gained a lot of useful.The purpose of this essay is to discuss the three main effects of graduate from university which are find good job, win life experience and increase your culture.
The first effect of find good job.If you graduate from university,you will have got good job than graduate from high school.Because  you know a lot of knowledge,job experience so bosses prefer to graduate from university.Also you have got good salary,well possibility in work.On the other hand your boss trust you for job.You can find quickly job.
The second effect of  you win life experience.University life was won a lot of life experience.For example,you leave your family annd you meet different people.Youlearn only live.Also you learn cook meal,washing dishes and discover different place,people.People has got variety thought and you understood very difficult to they.
The third effect of increase your culture.You meet a lot of friends and your friend explain different knowledge,culture so your culture increase.For example your best friend from İstanbul sonyou learn İstanbul’s culture very well.On the other hand you go university trip,you see new place and come a lot of famous people from university and explain a lot of knowledge so increase your culture.
To sum upgraduate from univerdity,aseverythink that is new our lives,can be terrifying at first,but with a little bit  of effort,it can become one of the greatest experiences of our lives.It is very important to enjoy our university studies because it will help us become independent and responsible people,only if we learn how to survive it.