
15 Mayıs 2012 Salı


In the21th century many of people hhave obesity.Obesity is very important health problem in a person ‘s life which effect people’s lifestyle and personality.Moreover, people do not do anything although people believe that obesity is an important healht problem.There are several effects of obesity.
The first and most important effect is poor healht in a person’s life.Obesity cause lots of harmful and dangerous disasters, which are high blood pressure, hearth disease, diabets, and stress.According to doctors, people who are obese may be ill these diseaster easier than other people.So,obesity is very dangerous disaster.
The second effect is economic.People pay lots of money for obesity.The hospitals need more money, and overweight person pays a lot for special diets.For example, my uncle is a person who is overweight.He went to the private doctor three years ago.And he paid lots of money for special diet.So, the economic way of obesity may damage a family’s budget.
The third effect is difficulty in finding clothes.Because of this, a lot of people complain. Overweight people whodo not find clothes suffer from there are not many clothes.So,finding clothes is really diffucult problem for overweight people because companies produce small size clothes.
As a consequent, the effects of obesity are poor health,economics, and difficulty finding clothes.So, obesity is very dangerous and harmful problem for overweight people.


                                                OVERUSE OF INTERNET
In the 21th century, most of people use electronical devices all over the world.Thanks to tecnology , there are lots of electronical development in the world.One of the most important development is internet.Internet, which is the most useful communication way, is very common.There are several causes of using internet.
The most important cause is easy communication method.Most of people use internet to communicate with other people.A lot of people communicate via facebook, twitter, and msn with other people.For example, I have a facebook account so I can talk with my friends in everywhere and at everytime.So, communication is very important for humanty.
The other important cause is learning information.Thanks to using internet, you can access very comprehensive information everytime.There are many different websites on the internet.Many of provide convenience in our life every topic.
The last important cause is internet use maybe required for school courses.Differences internet websites help for student’s courses.Many of homework  is given students via internet by the teachers.According to survey of educational institution, 70 percent of  school in Turkey give assignments to students via the internet.So, using internet very important in our educational system.
As a consequence, the causes of using internet are that it provide easy communication method, we need for it learning information, and it is requiring for school courses in good ways.To sum up, we have internet in all areas of our lives.


                                                Tecnology Kills Communication
People are existence which can think .So,they need to tell about something to other people.Communication is very impotant at this point.In a good sociaty,people connect with each other.Some people think people communicate with each other much more thanks to tecnology.However,I believe that tecnology kills communication for three reasons.
     The first reason is TV.Generally,order people waste their time across the TV much more.So,they don’t imrove relationship with their family.For example,some people watch TV series much more.So, in real life,they can’t adapt.
    The second reason is computer.Especially,teenagers are interested in computers.Teenager waste most time on the computer anymore.They do not communicate with other people in real life.So, they can’t be social people.Also relationship with their family can be bad.
    The last reason is video games.Especially, children waste most of their time with video games after their school every day.These children can’t connect witd their family or friends.For example, in real life, they can be rude or quarrelsome people because most video games include violence.This is terrible for children.
    In conclusion, thank to TV , computer and video games , communication is killing the communication between people.If from children to order  people depend too much on tecnology society can’t be good.

9 Mayıs 2012 Çarşamba


                                           TWO GREAT CITIES
Becoming a student has given me  the opportunity in two cities at the same time:Denizli and İstanbul.Living in each city has let me see many differences between both, but there are three main contrasts  between them,which are location ,social life,job opportunities.
    The first difference is location.İstanbul is by the sea,so people go to the cost and they are very relaxed.However Denizli hasn’t got sea and it is very hot.If Denizli had got sea,peoplewould go sea and they be relax.On the one hand İstanbul is nearby a lot of important places.For example Edirne,Greece…This people,who live in İstanbul,do many places easly.But Denizli is distant to many important places.On the other hand İstanbul has got a lot of historical places.İstanbul has got good location compared with Denizli.
The second difference is social life.Dancing,playing courses are in İstanbul so people go to these courses and they develop themselves.However Denizli has got a few courses and this courses teach unimportant knowledge.Besides, İstanbul has got a lot of cafes.People go these cafes and they have fun.On the other hand,İstanbul has got a lot of sports activites but Denizli has a few sport activities.
The final difference is job opportunities.İstanbul  is very big city and it has got a lot of companies so people find job quickly.Unlike İstanbul,Denizli is small and has got a few companies so people find job difficult.
To sum up,İstanbul is greater city than  Denizli.İstanbul has got a lot of possibilties.People who live in İstanbul spend nice time and they get happy.Denizli is also beautiful but it is very small city.When we considerball their features,İstanbul is more outstanding because of it’s great location,colourful social life and diversity of job opportunities.


  • Evolve:to develop gradually=improve=cultivate
For example:The sun is a star  that has evolved over  billions of years.
  • Decade:a period of ten years
For example:The building is now four decades old.
  • Intense:a feeling, reaction etc that is intense is very strong.=violent=severe=extreme
For example:He had an intense love of music.
  • Enthusiasm:a strong feeling of interest or excitement about something.=vibrancy=effusion
For example:My sister was full of enthusiasm for music.
  • Data:facts=knowledge=information=intelligence
For example:The scientists do not yet have enough data to say if the pollution problem is serious.
  • Prospect:The change that something will happen soon.=possibility=probabilty=eventualty
For example:Ali was dreading the prospect of Christmas without his family.
  • Award:a prize for something good that you have done=reward=requite
For example:The fireman won an award for bravery.
  • Enormous:very big=giant=huge
For example:An enormous amount of money.
  • Association:An organization far people who do the same work or have the same interests.=society
  • Immigrant:someone who comes to live in a country from another country.settler
For example:My grandparents came to bursa as an immigrant.
  • Brand:A product that a particular company makes=
For example:What brand of washing powder do you use?
  • Chemical:Related to chemicals.
For example:some of these chemicals are very dangerous.
  • Crucial: very important
for example:It is crucial that we act quickly.